Retha Bond
Retha Bond has been a working artist since the 60's where after a degree in Art Education from (UNT) North Texas State College she taught in the public school system and Retha's School of Art in the 70's. She then completed her MA in Painting with a minor in Printing and Paper Making in 2003 from TWU. Retha is a founding member of GAVA.
As a young child her Dad would draw for her which influenced her interest in art. Her 7th. grade art teacher helped her decide to become an art teacher. She worked in pencil & pastels at this time until she went to college where she painted in oils. Watercolor became her focus in the 80's due to her limited time. She could paint quickly and more often in this medium. The fact that watercolor cannot be duplicated because of its fluidity and endless techniques became another drawing point. Nature, the elements, experimentation and the Impressionist have influenched Retha's work. Her work has won many awards in Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico art shows. She now teaches mini courses & Primetimers in watercolor, collage & Art History at NCTC.
Future plans include exploring various techniques, teaching and entering art shows; Also continuing her volunteer work which is something that has been in her life since childhood.
Media: Watercolor, acrylic and mixed media.
Contact Retha via email - click HERE> or call 940-736-4495 or 940-665-1670