R'lene Winters
Have an Associates Degree from the College of DuPage in Illinois. Also
attended Governor's State University and the Art Institute of Chicago.
Participated in a plein air workshop in Meeker, Colorado from the
University of Colorado. Recently attended a watercolor workshop with
artist Stephen Zhang. Studied with private artists through the years.
Had a one person show in the LaGrange Art League and Contigny, both in
Illinois, and Homestead Winery, Grapevine. Two person show at the
Premier Gallery in Flower Mound, Texas. Also had paintings in the
Premier Gallery, Flower Mound, Homestead Winery Grapevine, Tierneys in
Lewisville, Blue Moon Gallery and Tolberts Texas Trading Company in
Grapevine, Tx., and Lewisville State Bank.
Paintings in shows in Art House Flower Mound, Gallery 8680,Frisco,
Irving Art Assn.,MCL Grand Art Gallery Lewisville, VAGF Frisco, The
Atrium Frisco, Gap Grapevine,Richardson Civic Art Society, Richardson .
Participated in the design and development of a mosaic for a base
supporting the sculpture which is outside the front of the MCL Grand
Building in Lewisville.
Paintings in private collections in Texas, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio,
Florida, and California.
Belong to the Visual Art League of Lewisville, GAP in Grapevine and
VAGF, in Texas.
On the Board of the Visual Art League of Lewisville and the Lewisville
Senior Center. Active in fundraising, grants and publicity with the VAL
Board. Member of RSVP.
Have been painting over fifty years.
Am basically a realist painter creating still life, landscape and
floral. Always challenging my artistic skills in new directions and
have been investigating the art of the abstract. I enjoy taking a
flower and turning it into an artform. I enjoy working with shapes
and colors and to constantly sharpen my skills.
WEBSITE: winters/rlene.wixsite/my
Contact R'lene via email - click HERE >