Ginger Walker.

​​​As a small child growing up on a cattle ranch in southwestern Wyoming Ginger was always fascinated by animals and they way they move and their interaction with each other. She started her artwork very young with her pencils and crayons. At an early age she started submitting her art to local competitions including school and state competitions. She won her first award in the third grade for a pencil sketch of a rooster. Drawing has always been a means of escape and almost a form of meditation.
In the early 70’s she did a lot of western art. Paint what you know was the theory at the time. Growing up on a ranch that is what she knew, horses, cows, and the mountains of the high Uinta’s. She sold a lot of her work to ranchers of that area.
Marriage, children, and a career as a loan officer took her away from her art until 1996. Her husband Jack was transferred to Australia. What a wonderful opportunity to go back to her art work. Ginger joined several art groups. Plein Aire, water colors, gouache, toll painting, and acrylics were many of the avenues she pursued. Then a transfer to England and she starting back to the oil painting that she had done in the late 60’s. Traveling around England and painting the landscape, architecture, and ocean scenes filled her time, until Jack took her to Africa on her first safari. She fell in love with the people and the wildlife. Ginger has taken hundreds of photos as reference material for her art work. She also often takes her paints and easel with her to Africa. Africa has an intrigue all of its own. The animals although very wild and dangerous have a certain harmony with the land and their environment. The balance of nature is certainly prevalent everywhere. Ginger has tried to capture this in many of her paintings.
She is also a member of Safari Club International. Many of her clients are also members. One of her passions is painting the big five on the ear of an elephant taken in the hunters pursuit of the big five or dangerous seven.
Ginger has also pursued colored pencil. This medium can be very therapeutic when the challenges of life slow you down. She has won many awards with her realism pieces.
Ginger and Jack still own the ranch that Ginger grew up on. So many of her paintings come from ideas and scenes are taken from her experiences their.
Her artwork has improved as she becomes more passionate about her subject matter. The days of hard work on the ranch are slowly but surely being replaced by her artwork. She spends many hours in the studio.
Media: Oil and Colored Pencil
Contact Ginger via email - click HERE>