Bobby Hogsed
Bobby was born in Oklahoma City and has lived most of his life in the Austin and DFW area. He is currently living in Kingston Oklahoma. Bobby graduated from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh in 2015 with a degree in photography.
Painting, sculpture, art history and photography have been a major part of his life since he was 7 years old. The majority of his paintings and sculpture have been portraits of either people or animals. Photography has opened up a whole new spectrum of possibilities. Bobby admits that he was never a good abstract artist but with a camera, he has found abstract to be a major focus of his work of late.
Bobby's recent photographic work ranges for abstract too classic. His subject matter varies from Buddies Crushed Cars to dumpster to a barn built in 1840 with a rich history. In his journey, has realized that beauty is everywhere. We just have to open our mind and see it!
Contact Bobby via email - click HERE >