Wanda King.
Wanda King is not a full time artist, but she has been creating and selling her work, as a hobbyist, since 1998. She prefers painting animals, people and scenery.
Her favorite mediums are pastel, watercolor, acrylics and colored pencil. She is motivated to create by seeing the beauty in all things and has the ability to capture that form with colors, as well as lights and darks. Clarity and realism in her work is amazingly keen with strong value changes to promote that realism.
She has been known to include “real” or “found” items, such as leaves, or wood or whatever she finds interesting, along with drawing or painting to create a piece of art.
Wanda is influenced by other artist’s work, and they inspire her, along with her firm belief in God, to continue to create. Once a piece is completed, the pleasure that it brings her and those she meets, motivates her to do another and another.
Media: Pastel, acrylic and colored pencil