Tootie Fouratt.

Tootie Fouratt is a Texoma native whose art reflects her lifelong love of the American Southwest. After a teaching career in New Mexico during which she was surrounded by the mountains, forests, history, and culture, she immersed herself in pursuit of her art. She’s been at it now for more than twenty years.
Fouratt has worked in many media, including watercolor, acrylic, collage, and oil, but always returns to the expressive texture and tones of oils. Her style has ranged through still-life, floral, landscapes, and nature studies. Her work has explored several styles but has trended recently toward an impressionistic tone while still retaining a nuanced realism. The pictures tell a story, and the viewer is usually a part of it.
In her pursuit of artistic development, she has studied with many Southwestern artists,among them are Ann Templeton, Joseph Bohler, Joe Anna Arnett, and Ken Hosmer. Her work under the guidance of Kaye Franklin has honed her impressionistic stylings.
Tootie is an associate member of Oil Painters of America, San Antonio Watercolor group, Sherman Art League, Gainesville Visual Arts, and the Madill Art Club. Among her guiding quotes are Picasso’s comment that, “ Art washes away from the soul, the dust of everyday life,” and the life guidance of Mary Lou Cook, “Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.”
Media: Oil Painting