Sylvia Deaver.​
​​​Sylvia cannot remember a time when she was not involved in some type of art creation. She experienced a unique early educational foundation at the Laboratory School on the University of North Texas Campus in Denton, Texas. Falling under the spell of creative opportunities offered her choices in the fine arts exploration. Of course, she did not at that time recognize the path that was set by these opportunities. But, by the fourth grade the fascinations with the media of art had taken their grip and her life goals were set. Creating is a lifelong learning for Sylvia.​ Continuing her formal art education through college degrees fulfilled her fourth grade declaration by becoming a teacher of industrial arts and art. Sylvia had parental encouragement as well as marital encouragement. Meeting in a school crafts class, her soon to be husband, Earl, became a life partnership of her creative world. The creative process had found a creative partner.​
Sylvia’s interest in art seemed to favor the more tactile experiences and the media of clay fits this need. With a strong talent for drawing, the clay creations afforded a canvas for her drawings. Eventually Sylvia and Earl merged into a creative pair. Earl’s need for quick satisfaction and Sylvia’s detailed drawings merged into pieces that are truly unique partnership pieces of art…Pottery by Earl drawings by Sylvia on the same piece of clay.​
Their adventures together have included a family , teaching careers, archeological trips to study various early ceramic designs, and attending many classes offered by many varied instructors. Eager to learn the various techniques, Sylvia and Earl get excited and cannot wait to explore each new idea.​ Encouraged by her parents, Sylvia and Earl, have offered much encouragement to their children and have tried to instill creative thinking in each . Caught up in their adventures, their children were along for the ride as the couple chased their studies. Sometimes as the children aged, they too became involved in the various activities of Sylvia and Earl. Each child is creative in their own unique way. Their children are the couples best partnership products.​
Their clay objects, used as a carrier for the designs of Southwestern origin, fit the couples creative process. Earl usually produces the pottery and Sylvia paints her interpretation of the designs in simple color contrasts on the pottery. However, Sylvia and Earl each do their own clay work. Sylvia makes her own art pieces and Earl does paint some of his own designs.​ Over the years, the geometric designs on pottery has dominated Sylvia’s art. Other art work has included multi media with different techniques…always exploring. At the present time she is pursuing a self study of clay masks and new experiences in Raku methods of firing. But, tomorrow she may see a different method of working with clay or another media and be off on another adventure. Enjoy her creations.
Media: Ceramics
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