Lydia Ansley
Lydia Ansley is a full time housewife. Her activities include gardening, cake baking and creative design. She loves to paint because it gives her the freedom to express herself and flow where her imagination takes her. Lydia enjoys painting landscapes and floral designs. Lydia has been a member of the Gainesville Area Visual Arts Association since 2007 when she began painting. She studied watercolor with Retha Bond. Of the several workshops she has attended, she has really enjoyed mixed media with collage. She has entered 10 paintings in area art shows and displays. Lydia has been commissioned to paint 3 floral and one abstract paintings. Currently, Lydia studied oil painting with Olivia Rivoire and watercolor with Gerri Williams. In the future, Lydia would like to study and explore abstract design and mixed media.
Media: Oil and Mixed Media
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